100% Broken Rice

Non Basmati Rice
Rice which is not Basmati is called Non Basmati rice. In fact, basmati rice equals to

only 1% production of the total rice grown in India. Nonbasmati rice comes in all kinds of different shapes and sizes.

There are thousands of variety of rice available under this category. The shapes and sizes of all kinds differ. The rice under this category can be short and thick, as well as long and slender. None have the uniform characteristics of basmati rice i.e. they do not have both the aroma and post cooking elongation. Unlike Basmati rice, non basmati rice grains are short grains with rounded ends. As this rice is cooked, the grains fluff and become sticky. 100% broken rice is mainly used by Indians mainly in sweet dish kheer and savory dish khichdi.